Rob is an old friend of mine I have known for the majority of my life. He always had an amazing talent for drawing and it was clear to me that is was going to be a big and sucessful part of his life. I haven’t seen him for a while now but we catch up now and again........
Ellz: Where are you at the moment?
Rob: I am currently in the living room at my mums house.
E: What’s your favourite place in the world?
R: Nowhere specific but somewhere green in the summer with not many people is good.
E: What do you enjoy doing the most?
R: I’m happy driving, painting or watching a good movie, some "inhalable inspiration" doesn’t go a miss either.
E: What is your favourite film?
R: I struggle to even work out a top 10 but if i had to pick one id say labyrinth by jim henson.
E: Who is your favourite musician/band?
R: I like a bit of everything but am currently listening to the thrash-funk band 'infectious grooves' with members from suicidal tendencies.
E: How many guns do you own?
R: Currently just an air rifle, i haven't got round to applying for a shotgun license yet but my mum has one so i sometimes use that
E: What is your current mode of transport?
R: I drive a ford transit camper van thing, its damp in the back during the winter but i spent most of last summer in the back of it in cornwall, also my trusty stunt wood (aka skateboard) and an old folding bicycle my friends mum gave me
E: What’s your choice of drink?
R: Any beer will do, not really into spirits but i love a good apple juice
E: Any embarrassing/drunken moments?
R: Nothing springs to mind, i guess i must be quite a well-behaved drunk. the odd bit of petty theft or violence, but that is very rare
E: Who is your favourite artist?
R: At the moment I'm into vic reeves from shooting stars. Not many people know he's an artist and his pictures are pretty funny
E: What inspires/influences your art?
R: pretty much everything
E: How do you come up with your ideas?
R: They just turn up inside my head without warning
E: Where do you do your art?
R: Wherever I'm living at the time, i don't have a studio yet but thats part of the dream
E: How often do you produce your art?
R: It varies, I'm thinking about stuff all the time but wont necessarily draw everyday.
E: What materials do you use?
R: Usually acrylic on scraps of wood or water colour, sometimes i'll make something 3-D if i get an idea and i've got something to make it with, whatever i can find really
E: Do you do commissions/can anyone buy your art?
R: I have some t-shirts and prints in a shop in exeter called "no guts no glory", you can buy online as well at
E: Would you ever want to do an exhibition of your work if the opportunity arose?
R: Sure, I don't think I'm good enough for that yet though, I don't think Id like the attention either so maybe If I could have one without actually having to go that'd be good.
E: What do you want to do in the future? Is art something you see as being a part of it?
R: I definitely want to always be an artist, I plan to find a wife, buy some land, build my own house and become self-sufficient.
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